Saturday, June 30, 2012



Ili mdada akupende inategemea vitu vingi sana ambavyo vinasababisha wakupende.

1. jiografia: sehemu wadada walipo. wanachopenda wadada wa tanzania ni tofauti na wanachopenda wadada wamerekani na nitofauti na wanachopenda wadada wakichina

2. kipindi: kipindi wadada walichopo nacho kinategemewa sana, wadada wa enzi za mawe walikuwa wanapenda vitu vofauti na wadada wa enzi za miaka ya giza (dark ages), na

pia ni tofauti na wadada wa enzi zetu ja JF na FB na SIMU.

3. jenetiks: huyo mdada kazaliwa kwenye familia gani pia inatofautisha....kivipi?....wa dada wengi wanatafuta wanaume wanaofanana na baba zao. Kwa hiyo mwanaume ukiwa

na tabia zinazofanana na tabia za baba wa mdada fulani, basi huo mdada atakupenda.

Sasa kuna kupendwa kwa aina mbili:
1. kuonyeshwa mapenzi
2. kupendwa kwa dhati

Ingawa watu wengi sana wanasema wanataka mapenzi ya dhati, lakini ukweli ni kwamba watu wengi wanataka kuonyeshwa mapenzi tu.

Kuna tofauti kati ya kupendwa kwa dhati na kuonyeshwa mapenzi. Mdada anayekupenda kwa dhati, saa nyingine anaweza kufanya vitu ambavyo unaweza kudhani kuwa hakupendi.

Na hii inatokana na udhaifu wa binadamu kushindwa kuona kilichopo ndani ya moyo au akili ya mtu.

Kuonyeshwa mapenzi ni rahisi zaidi. Mfano mzuri ni kwenye movie. Nadhani ukiangalia zile romantic movies, baada ya dakika kadhaa utasema kuwa yule mdada anampenda yule

mkaka. Na unasema hivyo kwa sababu, unaona matendo yao...ingawa kikwelikweli wanaakti tu!

Kumbe basi unaweza kuigiza kuwa unampenda mtu, na huyo mtu na watu wengine wakadhani kuwa ni kweli kuwa unampenda.

Sasa kama unataka kuonyeshwa mapenzi (sio kupendwa kwa dhati), unachotakiwa kumfanyia mdada ni:
1. Mnunulie vitu...mnunulie kila kitu anachosema anataka, simu, umpe vocha, mpe nauli, na kadhalika.
2. Muonyeshe kuwa we unanguvu kuliko watu waliokuzunguka. Kiasi kwamba awe na wewe kwa ajili ya ulinzi.
3. vitu vingine nitatoa badae, mda umeisha.....nikirudi nitaelezea na vitu vya kufanya ili upendwe kwa dhati na sio kisanii.


 >> hili ni swali ambalo nimekutana nalo jana sasa nani anajibu sahihi??

 Nauliza, wanawake wa siku hizi mbona ni matapeli sana wa mapenzi?
Je, wanawake siku hizi wanataka nini ndo watulie na mwanaume mmoja? Maana yeye anashangaa kwamba mwanamke wa leo hata ukiwa na mapesa kedekede ukampa, bado atakusaliti na kutafuta mwingine.  Hata ukiwa na uwezo kitandani wa kumpa raha zote za dunia, bado mwanamke haridhiki na atakusaliti!!!!!! INAKUWAJE HAPA KINA DADA ?

Je, ni kitu au vitu gani haswa vya kumfanya mwanamke atulie na kuyafurahia mahusiano yak?
Je, pesa peke yake inatosha? Je utaalam wa sita kwa sita ndo unahitajika?
Au labda ni mchanganyiko wa mambo mbalimbali ndo unaotakiwa ili mtu awe happy na relationship yake?

kama unajibu sahihi unaweza kuweka mchango wako hapa

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Triangular theory of love

 The triangular theory of love explains the topic of love in an interpersonal
relationship. Psychologist Robert Sternberg’s theory describes types of love based
on three different scales: intimacy, passion, and commitment. It is important to
recognize that a relationship based on a single element is less likely to survive than
one based on two or more.

Endelea kusoma.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Triangular theory of love

               The triangular theory of love explains the topic of love in an interpersonal
relationship. Psychologist Robert Sternberg’s theory describes types of love based
on three different scales: intimacy, passion, and commitment. It is important to
recognize that a relationship based on a single element is less likely to survive than
one based on two or more.

                 Different stages and types of love can be explained as different combinations of
these three elements. For example, the relative emphasis of each component
changes over time as an adult romantic relationship develops.

Types of Love
Combinations of intimacy, passion, and commitment
Intimacy Passion Commitment

1. Liking in this case is not used in a trivial sense. Sternberg says that this
intimate liking characterizes true friendships, in which a person feels a
bondedness, a warmth, and a closeness with another but not intense
passion or long-term commitment.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Love sms Each moment of ur life is a picture
Each moment of ur life is a picture which u had never seen before. And which ull never see again so enjoy> & live life & make each moment beautiful....

Love sms GODISNOWHERE this can be read as GOD
GODISNOWHERE this can be read as GOD IS NO WHERE or as GOD IS NOW HERE everything depends on how do u see anything. so think positive

Love sms A negative thinker see a difficulty in every opportunity
A negative thinker see a difficulty in every opportunity,A positive thinker see an opportunity in every difficulty,wish u an optimistic life..

Love sms Love urself ,Flirt with ur understanding,
Love urself ,Flirt with ur understanding,Romance with dreams,Get engaged with simplicity,Marry genuiness,Divorce the ego...Thats Good Life...

Love smsWhat the word IMPOSSIBLE says
What the word IMPOSSIBLE says I M Possible. So every thing which seems impossible is itself says that is possible. 


People are wrong about love. They think they are altruistic because they desire the good of some other being often to their own disadvantage. But in exchange they desire wholly to possess that other being and become furious if their love is not reciprocated.

 Words cannot express the grief one feels when one loses love. Then again, wise words can heal wounds and help us reflect on the tragedy. If you have undergone a personal loss -- the loss of love or of a loved one -- you will find this list of lost love quotes very relevant. Read the best quotes on lost love by famous authors like Samuel Butler, Kahlil Gibran, Socrates, and many more so that you can understand many about love. normally one person enter into love affairs is like a person in a wide ocean without help

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